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On Demand

Total Credits: .5 SMEI Video 1 PDH Credit

Live Webinar |  Live Events & Webinars |  Live Event |  Free Member Resources
Mr Willis Turner
Audio and Video
Short Description:
The importance of sales and marketing alignment is well known but is it really put into practice? Join us for a discussion on how to get better sales results through alignment with marketing.
$0.00 - Base Price

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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 SMEI Video 1 PDH Credit

Live Webinar |  Live Events & Webinars |  Free Member Resources
Mr Willis Turner |  Mr. Hans-Benno Mastboom
Audio and Video
Short Description:
In this session, Willis Turner, SMEI’s Chief Executive Officer will take you behind the scenes with an in-depth look SMEI’s integrated marketing campaigns used to develop the customer journey.
$0.00 - Base Price

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On Demand

Sales Management |  Emerging Technologies |  Customer Service |  Marketing Management |  Sales |  Live Webinar |  Live Events & Webinars |  Communication
Mr Willis Turner |  Mr. Hans-Benno Mastboom
Audio and Video
Short Description:
In this webinar, attendees will learn how to harness the power of ChatGPT and Generative AI to streamline business processes, spark creativity, and write better content faster. The webinar will and provide practical tips for attendees to take away and implement in their own businesses as well as demonstrations of how to use ChatGPT and Generative AI.
$0.00 - $69.00

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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 SMEI Video 1 PDH Credit

Live Webinar |  Live Events & Webinars |  Live Event
Mr Willis Turner |  Greg Williams
Audio and Video
Short Description:
In this session, you will discover how to read body language to increase your negotiation abilities. And by doing that, you will also improve your negotiation skills.
$0.00 - $49.00

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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 SMEI Video 1 PDH Credit

Live Webinar |  Live Events & Webinars |  Live Event |  Free Member Resources
Mr Willis Turner
Audio and Video
Short Description:
In this session we'll learn what digital transformation is and how it impacts our brand. By embracing digital transformation we can build a strong competitive advantage while adding value for our customers.
$0.00 - $69.00

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On Demand

Live Webinar |  Live Events & Webinars
Mr Willis Turner
Audio and Video
Short Description:
On Demand webinar designed for sales professionals and managers, exploring innovative strategies to overcome price objections using Generative AI. Discover how AI can revolutionize your sales approach with real-world examples, live demonstrations, and an exclusive new subscription service for collaborative learning and development in sales and marketing. Enhance your sales techniques and stay ahead in today's AI-driven market. Register now to transform your sales journey with AI insights!
$0.00 - $99.00

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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 SMEI Webinar PDH Credit

Live Webinar |  Live Events & Webinars |  Free Member Resources
Heather Polivka
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Why do some companies thrive in good times and survive during the most turbulent times, while others experience greater peaks and valleys or struggle day-to-day? How do some organizations cultivate a brand that people eat, sleep and breath, creating a competitive advantage in the marketplace, while others are….just a logo and color palette?
$0.00 - $49.00

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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 SMEI Video 1 PDH Credit

Live Webinar |  Live Events & Webinars |  Free Member Resources
David Light |  Dale Rothenberger
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Establishing what is acceptable performance is key to a sales manager’s driving consistent selling activities and therefore sales outcomes. In today's world, it is the sales manager’s responsibility to involve the salesperson in the goal setting process so the goals remain challenging…. challenge seeking is highly correlated to sales outcome performance and compensation seeking.
$0.00 - $49.00

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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 SMEI Video 1 PDH Credit

Live Webinar |  Live Events & Webinars
Brynne Tillman
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Getting to Hello is the biggest challenge sales professionals face today. Why? Because they pitch too soon and repel the buyers they are trying to engage. "If I could just get more at-bats", says almost every sales rep I have ever met. It is all about starting the conversation and getting your ideal buyers excited to take your call... but you have to earn the right to make that happen
$69.00 - $69.00

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Online Course

Total Credits: 5 Online Course

Live Webinar |  Live Events & Webinars
Mr Willis Turner
Short Description:
28-Day AI Challenge: Sales & Marketing Edition (Tool-Focused) Participants will learn how to leverage generative AI tools like ChatGPT, Meta AI, and Claude to enhance their workflows. Assignments will encourage creativity and practical application. Weekly interactive Zoom meetings on Fridays will serve as checkpoints for sharing progress and feedback. 
$0.00 - $299.00

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