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Online Course

Total Credits: 3 Online Course

Management |  Marketing Education |  Sales Education |  Sales Management
Short Description:
One of the more precious resources a manager has is his or her time. Managers can become more effective by employing time management and scheduling techniques, delegating, outsourcing key tasks, and employing technology. Effective time management helps managers achieve their goals. The concepts covered in this course will help create structure around your time management skills, and will help reveal any weaknesses in your time management habits. Making time management a priority is often the first step to keeping on task and maintaining a schedule.
$79.20 - $94.05

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Online Course

Total Credits: 3 Online Course

Marketing Education
Short Description:
Marketing has become vital to the success of an organization in today's competitive world. This course provides an introduction to marketing and marketing planning, and addressing the definition of marketing, the marketing mix (the Four Ps), the strategic importance of marketing, and customer values and satisfaction. The course continues into topics of marketing planning including market research, pricing, distribution, and targeting.
$79.20 - $94.05

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Online Course

Total Credits: 3 Online Course

Short Description:
When we think of marketing, we typically think of the activities that a for-profit company engages in. However, marketing is an important function for nonprofit organizations as well. Effective marketing is how nonprofit organizations determine the needs of their clients and their donors. As in the for-profit world, nonprofit marketing includes advertising, promotion, public relations, and customer relationship management. This course examines how nonprofits use marketing to publicize their mission and to gather contributions of time and money. The course also discusses marketing planning in the nonprofit organization.
$79.20 - $94.05

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Online Course

Total Credits: 3 Online Course

Ethics |  Leadership |  Management |  Marketing Education
Short Description:
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is the concept of organizations taking responsibility for their impact on society and the environment. Businesses which embrace CSR promote the public interest through what they do (for example, encouraging community growth and development) and what they refrain from doing (for example, eliminating or avoiding practices that harm stakeholders, regardless of whether such practices are legal). CSR is the inclusion of the public interest into corporate decision-making.
$79.20 - $94.05

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Online Course

Total Credits: 3 Online Course

Marketing Education
Short Description:
In the age of smartphones, it is a foregone conclusion that marketing efforts should be accessible on a mobile device. This course offers an introduction to mobile marketing, looking at strategies for reaching target audiences through multiple channels, including websites, email, social media, and mobile apps. With an emphasis on key concepts, definitions, and metrics, the course explores ways that marketers can leverage the unique benefits of mobile devices to drive profitable customer action.
$79.20 - $94.05

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Online Course

Total Credits: 3.5 Online Course

Marketing Education
Short Description:
This course is designed to help learners develop a solid understanding of the basic concepts and techniques that they will encounter as practitioners in the marketing automation field. Learners in this course will expand their knowledge through games, videos, a case study, quizzes, and other engaging content. Topics of major concern that are discussed in Module 1 include the key concepts, terms, and techniques used in marketing automation. The buying cycle and purchase funnel are described in detail, along with measuring content strategies and calculating the value of customers, followers, likes, and mobile loyalists.
$79.20 - $94.05

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Online Course

Total Credits: 4 Online Course

Digital Marketing |  Marketing Education
Short Description:
Paid Search advertising, also called pay-per-click (PPC), is used to pay for traffic to visit a website. In this course, learners will explore search marketing, the search process, and the buying cycle. Also included is how to set up a successful PPC account, how to set and measure goals, and how to optimize keyword usage using a variety of strategies. Learners will then examine components of effective ads and landing pages, how to optimize ad targeting, and when to use search or display advertising. The course then delves into research and analysis considerations, such as report creation, improving quality score, and using A/B and multivariate ad testing. Course material is presented through the use of text, videos, games, and other engaging content.
$119.20 - $141.55

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Online Course

Total Credits: 3 Online Course

Digital Marketing |  Marketing Education
Short Description:
As consumers increasingly turn to the digital marketplace of the Internet, organizations recognize that they can better reach and connect with their customers, clients, or prospects through digital marketing. There are many benefits to effective digital marketing including improved brand perception, more efficient lead generation, and better customer satisfaction levels. That can translate into the sale of more products and services. Creating a digital marketing strategy is crucial to meeting the marketing goals of the organization. This course offers a step-by-step introduction to the process of creating such a strategy, with an emphasis on key concepts, definitions, and metrics.
$79.20 - $94.05

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Online Course

Total Credits: 10 Online Course

Short Description:
Ethical decisions in business are everywhere. Managers and leaders, ideally, choose the moral right versus the moral wrong all the time. Organizations have learned that the costs of unethical actions can be high, both legally, and from the perspective of brand image and reputation. This introductory-level course introduces the major ethical frameworks in business and seeks to give learners a strong foundation in ethical business practices, whether as individuals, as a leaders, or as stewards of the organization. This course reviews how organizations can establish and encourage an ethical culture while monitoring for compliance.
$263.20 - $312.55

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Online Course

Total Credits: 10 Online Course

Computer Applications |  Management
Short Description:
A Manager's Guide to Information Technology course is designed to help managers develop a solid understanding of the basic concepts and technologies that they will encounter in the information technology field. Learners in this course will expand their knowledge of IT through games, videos, interactive exercises, quizzes, and other engaging content.
$271.20 - $322.05

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