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Total Credits: 1 SMEI Webinar PDH Credit

Live Webinar |  Live Events & Webinars
Mr Willis Turner
Short Description:
This educational program will draw on the principles of selling from "Open the Mind and Close the Sale: The Secret to Success in Selling!", 2nd edition by John M. Wilson and Willis H. Turner
$0.00 - $69.00

Wed, Sep 11, 2024 - 09:00am to 04:00pm PDT

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Total Credits: 1 SMEI Webinar PDH Credit

Live Webinar |  Live Events & Webinars
Mark Sanborn
Short Description:
Discover the secrets of the world’s most famous postman, Fred, and how his extraordinary approach to life and work can transform your sales game. With the release of the 20th Anniversary edition of the international bestseller *The Fred Factor: How Passion in Your Work and Life Can Turn Ordinary Into Extraordinary*, now is the perfect time to dive into these powerful principles.
$69.00 - Base Price

Thu, Sep 19, 2024 - 10:00am to 11:00am PDT

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Physical Product

Short Description:
SMEI Premium Black Cloth Reusable Facemask
$15.00 - Base Price

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Online Course

Total Credits: 3 Online Course

Financial Management
Short Description:
Decision-making within an organization often hinges on the numbers. So what financial tools do managers need to be familiar with to make sound, defensible decisions? This introductory-level course is meant to teach finance concepts to non-financial managers, and considers tools for decision-making such as cost benefit analysis, break even analysis, and Balanced Scorecard. The course also teaches the basic finance concepts such as return on investment (ROI), fixed and variable costs, and payback period.
$79.20 - $94.05

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Online Course

Total Credits: 3 Online Course

Marketing Education
Short Description:
In the age of smartphones, it is a foregone conclusion that marketing efforts should be accessible on a mobile device. This course offers an introduction to mobile marketing, looking at strategies for reaching target audiences through multiple channels, including websites, email, social media, and mobile apps. With an emphasis on key concepts, definitions, and metrics, the course explores ways that marketers can leverage the unique benefits of mobile devices to drive profitable customer action.
$79.20 - $94.05

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Online Course

Total Credits: 3 Online Course

Career Building |  Computer Applications
Short Description:
This course features 25 of the most popular Excel tip and tricks for both novice and advanced Excel users. In this course, you will learn time-saving techniques to boost efficiency, increase productivity and workflow, and improve and advance your skills. Topics include data entry, data organization, data cleaning, elements of style, data sorting, data filtering, and spreadsheet display tips. This course also covers three of the most popular lookup and reference functions: VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, and Find + Replace.
$79.20 - $94.05

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Online Course

Total Credits: 3 Online Course

Management |  Emerging Technologies
Short Description:
Blockchain is on the forefront of emerging technologies and is the foundation of modern cryptocurrencies. If you're a manager with little exposure to blockchain as a concept, this course will help you build an understanding of the concepts and how the technology might apply to your business. This course is an introduction to blockchain as an underlying technology for cryptocurrencies and other applications. The assignments delve into critical parts of blockchain, such as consensus mechanisms and cryptography. They also look at blockchain's impact on verticals such as healthcare, Fintech, and government, along with democracy, governance, and social impact.
$119.20 - $141.55

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Online Course

Free Member Resources
Short Description:
This course examines how one can become a more creative person. By stimulating creativity through various techniques (mind-mapping, DO-IT, SCAMPER, right and left brain thinking) participants learn to tap into their personal creativity and apply it to organizational challenges.
$0.00 - $79.00

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Online Course

Total Credits: 10 Online Course

Short Description:
Ethical decisions in business are everywhere. Managers and leaders, ideally, choose the moral right versus the moral wrong all the time. Organizations have learned that the costs of unethical actions can be high, both legally, and from the perspective of brand image and reputation. This introductory-level course introduces the major ethical frameworks in business and seeks to give learners a strong foundation in ethical business practices, whether as individuals, as a leaders, or as stewards of the organization. This course reviews how organizations can establish and encourage an ethical culture while monitoring for compliance.
$263.20 - $312.55

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Online Course

Total Credits: 5 Online Course

Short Description:
As a manager, you will undoubtedly deal with conflict. And as you look around to figure out who will keep the peace, you might be realizing that person is now you. This course introduces the various forms of conflict that can arise in the workplace and presents strategies that managers can use to help deal with conflict situations. It includes video commentary from an expert in the field and presents some fictitious real-world scenarios that allow learners to practice applying the skills and strategies discussed throughout the course.
$135.20 - $160.55

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