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Online Course

Total Credits: 3.5 Online Course

Digital Marketing |  Marketing Education
Short Description:
This course offers an introduction to content marketing, a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience. With an emphasis on key concepts, definitions, and metrics, the course examines ways that marketers can tailor their content to meet the specific needs of potential customers as they travel through the sales funnel. Learners will explore how content is used to build brand awareness and establish the brand as a trusted source of expert advice.
$103.20 - $122.55

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Online Course

Total Credits: 3 Online Course

Career Building
Short Description:
So, you've just landed a new job. What happens now? The first 30 days provide you a unique opportunity to set yourself up for success in your new role. Lots of people, most significantly your boss, will form an impression of you from the beginning that will be hard to change later on. This course will help you prepare for your first thirty days on the job, laying the groundwork for a successful tenure in your new role and at the organization.
$55.20 - $65.55

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Online Course

Total Credits: 3 Online Course

Career Building |  Computer Applications
Short Description:
As big data continues to change the way businesses operate and drive strategy, the ability to efficiently and effectively organize and analyze data is crucial. Managers need to be able to utilize tools to identify trends and help make better business decisions. Microsoft's Excel is a powerful spreadsheet software to organize and manage data related to business operations. This course focuses on mastering the fundamental tasks performed in Excel, including data entry, basic formula calculations, and formatting and style operations. During the course, you will learn how to build a spreadsheet from scratch and gain a greater understanding of the most popular Excel commands and functions.
$79.20 - $94.05

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Online Course

Total Credits: 3 Online Course

Career Building |  Financial Management
Short Description:
Perhaps you have been in charge of your finances since you started working an after school job in high school, or maybe you are suddenly feeling overwhelmed with allocating the salary from your first job out of college. No matter what your financial situation is, it is important to understand how to handle your money. This course will familiarize you with the basics of budgeting, credit, saving, and investing.
$79.20 - $94.05

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Online Course

Total Credits: 3 Online Course

Digital Marketing |  Marketing Education
Short Description:
Conversion Rate Optimization is the process of steady and incremental marketing improvement to yield stronger results. In this course, learners will discover the five key steps to Conversion Rate Optimization and how the process interacts with other facets of digital marketing. Through a variety of instructive techniques, including subject matter expert videos and case-study scenarios, this course provides learners with the knowledge and resources to be more effective professionals.
$79.20 - $94.05

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Online Course

Total Credits: 3 Online Course

Digital Marketing |  Marketing Education
Short Description:
As consumers increasingly turn to the digital marketplace of the Internet, organizations recognize that they can better reach and connect with their customers, clients, or prospects through digital marketing. There are many benefits to effective digital marketing including improved brand perception, more efficient lead generation, and better customer satisfaction levels. That can translate into the sale of more products and services. Creating a digital marketing strategy is crucial to meeting the marketing goals of the organization. This course offers a step-by-step introduction to the process of creating such a strategy, with an emphasis on key concepts, definitions, and metrics.
$79.20 - $94.05

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Online Course

Total Credits: 4 Online Course

Digital Marketing |  Marketing Education
Short Description:
Paid Search advertising, also called pay-per-click (PPC), is used to pay for traffic to visit a website. In this course, learners will explore search marketing, the search process, and the buying cycle. Also included is how to set up a successful PPC account, how to set and measure goals, and how to optimize keyword usage using a variety of strategies. Learners will then examine components of effective ads and landing pages, how to optimize ad targeting, and when to use search or display advertising. The course then delves into research and analysis considerations, such as report creation, improving quality score, and using A/B and multivariate ad testing. Course material is presented through the use of text, videos, games, and other engaging content.
$119.20 - $141.55

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Online Course

Total Credits: 3.5 Online Course

Marketing Education
Short Description:
This course is designed to help learners develop a solid understanding of the basic concepts and techniques that they will encounter as practitioners in the marketing automation field. Learners in this course will expand their knowledge through games, videos, a case study, quizzes, and other engaging content. Topics of major concern that are discussed in Module 1 include the key concepts, terms, and techniques used in marketing automation. The buying cycle and purchase funnel are described in detail, along with measuring content strategies and calculating the value of customers, followers, likes, and mobile loyalists.
$79.20 - $94.05

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Online Course

Total Credits: 3 Online Course

Marketing Education
Short Description:
In the age of smartphones, it is a foregone conclusion that marketing efforts should be accessible on a mobile device. This course offers an introduction to mobile marketing, looking at strategies for reaching target audiences through multiple channels, including websites, email, social media, and mobile apps. With an emphasis on key concepts, definitions, and metrics, the course explores ways that marketers can leverage the unique benefits of mobile devices to drive profitable customer action.
$79.20 - $94.05

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Online Course

Total Credits: 10 Online Course

Certified Global Business Professional (CGBP) Exam Prep
Global Business |  Marketing Education
Short Description:
This online and self-paced Global Marketing prepares learners to take NASBITE's Certified Global Business Professional™ exam. It includes an in-depth review of the Global Marketing knowledge area aligned with NASBITE's practice delineation, exam taking tips, module quizzes, and a 25-question Practice Exam covering the Global Marketing area of knowledge.
$263.20 - $312.55

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