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CSE-2 Certified Sales Executive® Part 2 - Leading as a Sales Manager

Total Credits: 300

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Certified Sales Executive® Program Modules


This is module 2 of 3 of the Certified Sales Executive Exam Preparatory Program. Completing all three modules successfully and the final exam will result in being awarded the Certified Sales Executive® - CSE® designation by SMEI. This module covers the recruiting, training, managing, goal setting and motivating salespeople.

Content in Module 2:

Recruiting and Selecting the Right Salespeople

Learning Objectives

  • Understanding why having a formal recruiting and selection process improves the quality of newly hired salespeople
  • Why it's important to define the right people for the organization, and include that information in the ideal candidate profile and job description
  • Compile a strategic list of sources (internal and external to the firm) for recruiting a pool of sales candidates
  • List common recruiting mistakes and ways to avoid them
  • Explain the goal-directed focus of the selection process stages
  • Explain why it's important to have a diverse salesforce

Detailed Outline

I. Successful Hiring Requires an Ongoing Process
II. Planning to Hire
A. Calculating the Turnover Rate
B. Conducting a Job Analysis and Ideal Candidate Profile Research
C. Writing a Job Description
D. Ideal Candidate Profile
III. Finding and Recruiting Applicants
A. Recruiting Internal Applicants
B. Recruiting External Applicants
1. Referrals
2. Advertisements
3. Third-Party Recruiters
4. Educational Institutions
5. Job Fairs, Career Conferences, and Tradeshows
6. Online Postings
IV. Selection Procedures
A. Examining a Candidate’s Fit
B. Creating a Goal-Directed Selection Process
C. Application Forms
D. Testing
E. Personal Interviews
1. Structured Interviews
2. Semi-Structured Interviews
3. Other Types of Interviews
F. Background Verification
G. Physical Exams and Drug Testing
H. Making the Job Offer
I. Transitioning New Hires
J. Why a Diverse Salesforce is Important
K. Avoiding Common Hiring Mistakes
1. Rushing to Hire Someone
2. Failing to Conduct a Proper Job Analysis
3. Not Generating a Sufficiently Large Applicant Pool
4. Poor Interview Planning
5. Not Conducting a Comprehensive Interview
6. Not Performing a Background Check
V. Evaluating the Success of the Firm’s Salesforce Recruiting and Selection Efforts

Video Content

  • The One Question You Must Ask When Hiring a Salesperson
  • LinkedIn’s Sales Leader’s #1 Interview Question
  • Recruiting and Hiring Great Salespeople — Top 5 Traits of Salespeople
  • Recruiting and Selecting Salespeople

Training and  Developing the Salesforce

Learning Objectives

  • Identify factors that help determine the types of training salespeople need.
  • Summarize the inputs needed to design and deliver an effective sales training program.
  • Explain why it’s important to assess the effectiveness of a firm’s sales training and how it is assessed.
  • Recognize the elements that contribute to effective and ineffective training programs.

Detailed Outline

I. How Important Is Sales Training?
II. The Training Process
A. Identifying a Firm’s Sales Training Needs
1. Determining Sales Training Objectives
2. Determine Who Needs Sales Training
B. Designing and Developing the Training Program
1. What Content is Needed?
2. Developing the Objectives of Sales Training: Changing Ideas into Action
3. Selecting the Training Delivery Method
4. Staffing or Developing the Training Program
a. Internal versus External Staffing Resources
b. Time Pressures
c. Costs
C. Delivering the Training
1. Scheduling the Training
2. Facilitate the Transfer of Learning
D. Assessing the Firm’s Training Efforts
1. Determine the Value of Sales Training to the Individual
a. Reaction (Level 1)
b. Learning (Level 2)
2. Determine the Value of Sales Training to the Organization
a. Behaviors (Level 3)
b. Results (Level 4)
E. Completing the Sales Training Cycle
III. Managing Your Career

Video Content

  • Think Fast, Talk Smart: Communication Techniques
  • How To Coach (by asking questions) 
  • How to Manage and Improve Sales Performance

Supervising, Managing, and Leading Salespeople Individually and in Teams

Learning Objectives

  • Explain and describe the difference between sales supervision, management, and leadership.
  • Consider how sales managers might use different sources of power or influence to problem-solve for the organization and serve as barrier-busters for their salespeople.
  • Identify the skills and abilities a person needs to be a good sales manager.
  • Understand how to successfully lead teams, including those that are virtual.
  • Recognize the ethical challenges facing leaders and teams in the sales environment.

Detailed Outline

I. Supervising
II. Managing
A. Sources of Power
B. Your First Sales Manager Role: What Your Boss Will Be Looking For
C. Avoid Being a Bad Sales Manager: What Your Salespeople Will Be Looking For
III.    Leading
1.    Systems or Control Perspective
2.    Cultural or Network Perspective
A.    Coaching
B.    Mentoring
C.    The Ability to Organize and Work Effectively with Teams
IV.    The Future of Sales Management: What Is the New Normal?
V.    Managing Your Career

Video Content

  • How Great Leaders Inspire Action 
  • How to Fuel a High-Performance Sales Team
  • Best Practices for Developing Sales Managers

Setting Goals and Managing the Performance of the Salesforce

Learning Objectives

  • Describe how organizations and their managers use goals to guide and control the efforts of their salesforces.
  • Summarize the elements of an effective goal.
  • Determine when different outcome and behavioral sales goals should be used.
  • Identify informational resources used for making effective decisions about goals.
  • Apply goal-setting theory in order to improve managerial and motivational practices.

Detailed Outline

I. Why Are Sales Goals Important to an Organization?
II. Using Goals to Manage the Performance of Individuals, Teams, and Firms
III. Different Types of Goals
IV. Choosing the Right Metrics to Track for Goals
V. Choosing the Right Time Period to Track
VI. What About Almost Meeting a Goal?
VII. Should Salespeople Be Involved in Setting Their Own Goals?
VIII. When Is a Sale a Sale?
IX. Should Everyone Achieve Their Sales Goals?
X. Can Sales Goals Be Changed or Altered?
XI. What Happens When Salespeople Don’t Achieve Their Sales Goals?
XII. The Process of Setting Good Goals
XIII. Managing Your Career

Video Content

  • Why the Secret to Success is Setting the Right Goals
  • How to Rescue a Struggling Salesperson
  • 3 Questions to Ask Yourself About Everything You Do

Motivating and Rewarding Salespeople

Learning Objectives

  • Summarize how motivation has been conceptualized, and how the contributions of past studies can be incorporated into managerial activities.
  • Explain the different models of motivation, and how sales managers can utilize them.
  • Identify generational differences in motivation, and how to adapt motivational approaches for each group.
  • Describe how managers can utilize different motivational elements available to sales organizations.
  • Determine the financial versus non-financial rewards used to motivate salespeople.
  • Explain how compensation systems can be utilized to address different motivational needs.

Detailed Outline

I. What Motivates Salespeople?
II. Generational Motivational Issues
A. Traditionalists
B. Baby Boomers
C. Generation Xers
D. Millennials
E. Generation Z
III. The Dos and Don’ts of Motivating Your Sales Representatives
IV. Financial and Non-financial Rewards
V. The Components of a Reward Program
A. Compensation
1. Base Salary
2. Variable (Incentive) Pay
3. Combination Plans
B. Benefits
C. Work-Life Rewards
D. Recognition
E. Expense Accounts
F. Personal Development and Career Opportunities
VI.    Managing Your Career

Video Content

  • Stop Trying to Motivate Your Employees 
  • 5 Best Ways to Motivate Sales Team Members
  • Motivating a Demotivated Representative