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Certification Course

CSE-1 Certified Sales Executive® Part 1 - Leading as a Salesperson

Total Credits: 300 including 6 CSE Module

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Certified Sales Executive® Program Modules


This is module 1 of 3 of the Certified Sales Executive Exam Preparatory Program. Completing all three modules successfully and the final exam will result in being awarded the Certified Sales Executive® - CSE® designation by SMEI. This module covers the sales function and the role it plays in a firm's overall strategy and reviews industry priorities (e.g., lead generation and cross-selling).

Content in Module 1:

Introduction to Sales Management

  • Sales Leader Profile: Manuel Vazquez Ederra, Federated Insurance (Video)
  • Ethics is Sales Management: Necessary for Success
  • Mission and Mission Statement
  • The Strategy Hierarchy - Corporate Strategy
  • The Strategy Hierarchy - Marketing Strategy
    • What Market Do We Serve with What Products?
    • What Types of Relationships Do We Form and with Whom?
    • What Level of Investment Will be Required, and How Will We Allocate the Needed Resources?
    • What are the Detailed Objectives and Action Plans
  • The Strategy Hierarchy - Sales Strategy
  • Sales Approaches
  • Global Sales Management: Recognizing the Differences
  • The Selling Process
    • Lead Generation
    • Pre-Call Planning
    • Approach
    • Needs Identification
    • Presentation
    • Handling Objections
    • Closing the Sale
    • Implementation/Follow-Up
  • How the Selling Process Fits in the Selling Approach
  • From Sales Representative to Sales Manager
  • Sales Leaders
    • The Sales Executive
    • The Field Sales Manager

Video Content

  • 3 Key Skills for Effective Sales Management (Brian Tracy)
  • Sales Tips from a 25 Year Veteran of B2B Sales (Tibor Shanto)
  • The Power of Yet (Carol S Dweck)

The Role Salespeople Play and Multichannel Sales Environments

  • Executive Profile: Joanna Murietta, 3M (Video)
  • Salespeople's Roles
  • Make or Buy? Outsourcing the Sales Function
  • Ethics in Sales Management: The Team Culture Matters
  • Selling in a Multichannel Environment
  • Global Sales Management: Building One Team
  • Understanding B2B Purchasing Decisions
  • The Nature of B2B Relationships

Video Content

  • Understanding and Defining Sales Channels
  • B2B Marketing: Gaining Multi-Channel ROI
  • How to Accelerate Growth with an Efficient, Highly Targeted, Multi-Channel Sales Process

Fundamental Approaches to Leadership Development

  • Sales Leader Profile: Patty Riedl, Hormel Foods (Video)
  • What is Leadership
    • Leading versus Managing
    • Understanding Leadership: An Historical Perspective
    • The Trait Approach: "These are the traits you need to be a leader"
  • Global Sales Management: Effective Communicating as Global Business Leaders
    • The Behavioral Approach: "This is how a leader behaves."
    • Situational Approaches: "Assess the situation, and then fit the behavior to it."
    • Contemporary Perspective of Understanding Leadership
    • Emerging Concepts of Leadership: "Develop your followers."
  • Ethics in Sales Management: The Principles of Ethical Leadership
    • Emergent Leadership

Video Content

  • Executive Profile (Patty Riedl)
  • Sales Management & Leadership (Mike Brooks)
  • How Great Leaders Inspire Action (Simon Sinek)
  • What it Takes to be a Great Leader (Roselinde Torres)