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Online Course

Leadership & Management For Entrepreneurs

Total Credits: 5 Online Course

Average Rating:
Not yet rated


Learning Outcomes

  • Describe the managerial roles played by an entrepreneur
  • Outline the five key managerial activities
  • Describe self-management techniques for managing time and organizing, planning, and prioritizing
  • Discuss the autocratic (ODS-A), participative (ODS-P), and empowering (GEM) management styles and their application
  • Describe the process for staffing an entrepreneurial venture
  • Discuss Katzenbach's Five Motivational Paths and how they apply to new ventures
  • Describe the process for coaching employees
  • Outline the USED Model for training employees
  • Discuss the importance of active listening when communicating with employees

Key Features

  •  Expert-supported
  •  Mobile-friendly
  •  Accessible
  •  Badge and credit-awarding
  •  Games & Flashcards
  •  Video content
  •  Real-world case studies
  •  Audio-enabled in app