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Black Friday Individual

Online Course

Total Credits: 5 Online Course

Financial Management |  Management
Short Description:
Statistical Process Control is all about boosting quality. Quality management can not only deliver value to customers and stakeholders, it can also enable data-driven decision making that helps organizations gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace. This intermediate-level course will introduce the basics of quality management, explaining the difference between quality control and quality assurance, providing methods for application of analysis, showing different applications of the Seven Basic Quality Tools. It all culminates in a brief case study, which illustrates the concepts covered.
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Online Course

Total Credits: 5 Online Course

Financial Management |  Management
Short Description:
Managing today can require good instincts. However, instinct is not enough to manage the huge amounts of available data and the complex variables of the business world. Statistics can help managers and leaders make sense of these complexities, back-up their assertions, and feel confident about when to take the risks and when to pump the breaks. This intermediate-level course examines statistics as a managerial tool. It also looks at common graphical representations of data and how these can be effective tools to explain situations and support persuasive arguments for a course of action.
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Online Course

Total Credits: 5 Online Course

Entrepreneurship |  Marketing Education
Short Description:
This course reviews the strategic issues that an entrepreneur faces while starting a new venture or business, and highlights the questions about market acceptance that must be answered during every stage of the entrepreneurial process.
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Online Course

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Online Course

Total Credits: 1 SMEI Webinar PDH Credit

Short Description:
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Online Course

Total Credits: 15 Online Course

Leadership |  Management |  Manager's Toolbox
Short Description:
There are a number of managerial factors that are vital in managing and leading. Becoming a better manager or leader is directly connected to how well you can master them. The Effective Manager's Toolbox is a suite of online modules designed to give managers a head start on managing issues correctly and professionally with less stress and fewer negative organizational circumstances. The modules offer learners an explanation of the managerial mindset that all managers and leaders must adopt to succeed.
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Online Course

Total Credits: 3 Online Course

Career Building
Short Description:
So, you've just landed a new job. What happens now? The first 30 days provide you a unique opportunity to set yourself up for success in your new role. Lots of people, most significantly your boss, will form an impression of you from the beginning that will be hard to change later on. This course will help you prepare for your first thirty days on the job, laying the groundwork for a successful tenure in your new role and at the organization.
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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 SMEI Video 1 PDH Credit

Leadership |  Sales Management
Audio and Video
Short Description:
The concept of remote work is not new. Today's business environment is exerting pressure on companies to implement a work from home or distributive workforce policies in reactionary mode. This program we call on the expertise of two professionals with years of experience in creating and managing remote teams.
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Online Course

Total Credits: 3 Online Course

Management |  Marketing Education |  Sales Education |  Sales Management
Short Description:
One of the more precious resources a manager has is his or her time. Managers can become more effective by employing time management and scheduling techniques, delegating, outsourcing key tasks, and employing technology. Effective time management helps managers achieve their goals. The concepts covered in this course will help create structure around your time management skills, and will help reveal any weaknesses in your time management habits. Making time management a priority is often the first step to keeping on task and maintaining a schedule.
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Online Course

Total Credits: 3 Online Course

Short Description:
Is a dollar more valuable today or tomorrow? What about a year from now? This introductory-level course covers time value of money (TVM) principles and risk and return. You will review the basic TVM techniques used in evaluating all financial decisions and their cash flow implications. For Risk and Return, you will learn how risk influences investment decisions, and how to calculate risk and rates of return. Further, you will explore the benefits of diversification and the use of the portfolio concept in investing.
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