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Online Course

Total Credits: 3 Online Course

Career Building |  Leadership
Short Description:
Emotional intelligence (EI) is our ability to identify and control our emotions to achieve positive outcomes in our relationships. Managers with high EI are better equipped to deal with subordinates, colleagues, and company executives, and they can do a better job of handling and resolving conflicts. This one-module course reviews the underlying concepts of emotional intelligence and explores how managers can improve and make use of their emotional intelligence.
$79.20 - $94.05

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Online Course

Total Credits: 15 Online Course

Leadership |  Management |  Manager's Toolbox
Short Description:
There are a number of managerial factors that are vital in managing and leading. Becoming a better manager or leader is directly connected to how well you can master them. The Effective Manager's Toolbox is a suite of online modules designed to give managers a head start on managing issues correctly and professionally with less stress and fewer negative organizational circumstances. The modules offer learners an explanation of the managerial mindset that all managers and leaders must adopt to succeed.
$279.20 - $331.55

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