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Online Course

Total Credits: 1 Online Course

Sales Education |  Marketing Education |  Sales Management
Short Description:
Moving deadlines, establishing budget targets, closing a new sales opportunity, appeasing an angry co-worker or dissatisfied customer – every work day has the potential to present a critical negotiation point. Do you know how to prepare and lead a successful negotiation? The PEACE model offers a straightforward approach that builds confidence and leads to more mutually satisfying, win/win outcomes.
$0.00 - $65.55

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Online Course

Total Credits: 3 Online Course

Sales Education |  Sales Management |  Negotiation
Short Description:
This course is designed to help executives and other potential deal-makers learn the essential strategies and skills to conducting successful business negotiations. Learners in this course will explore the fundamentals of deal making with the help of games, videos, interactive exercises, case studies, and other engaging content. The course begins by comparing and contrasting the two major types of negotiation—Dispute Settlement Negotiation (DSN) and Deal Making Negotiation (DMN)—and exploring the difference between negotiation and bargaining. Key topics covered in the course include the stages of the negotiation process; the importance of preparation and realistic goal-setting; the five basic approaches to negotiation; when to make (and when to avoid) commitments; the relative importance of relationships and outcomes; the decision to walk away from a negotiation; and the unique challenges posed by multiparty, international, and cross-cultural negotiations.
$103.20 - $122.55

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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 SMEI Webinar PDH Credit

Sales Education |  Sales Management |  Sales |  Live Events & Webinars |  Free Member Resources
Wayne St. Amand |  Jonathan Carlson
Audio and Video
Short Description:
The era of rep-centric sales enablement has arrived. Are you ready for it? With the uncertain economy, the rise in remote teams due to the pandemic, and tightening budgets, it’s more important than ever for companies to equip their sales teams to produce at the highest level. 
$0.00 - Base Price

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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 SMEI Webinar PDH Credit

Sales Management |  Sales |  Free Member Resources
Dr. Dave Hinkes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Dave Hinkes compiled 27 years of real-world selling notes and put it all into an Amazon bestselling book 'Selling By Objectives (SBO): The Handbook for More Profitability in the 21st Century (now in its 3rd Edition). The setting and dialogue for each chapter of the book takes place in a car dealership. The beauty of Dave's 8 universal 'sales' objectives is that they're all inclusive. Dave will challenge anyone to think of another separate and distinct one from the ones covered. Thus, you will learn exactly what you need to focus on to improve your personal brand.
$0.00 - $49.00

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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 SMEI Video 1 PDH Credit

Sales Management |  Leadership
Mr Willis Turner |  Mr Gregg Frederick
Audio and Video
Short Description:
The concept of remote work is not new. Today's business environment is exerting pressure on companies to implement a work from home or distributive workforce policies in reactionary mode. This program we call on the expertise of two professionals with years of experience in creating and managing remote teams.
$0.00 - $99.00

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Online Course

Total Credits: 3 Online Course

Sales Education |  Marketing Education |  Sales Management |  Management
Short Description:
One of the more precious resources a manager has is his or her time. Managers can become more effective by employing time management and scheduling techniques, delegating, outsourcing key tasks, and employing technology. Effective time management helps managers achieve their goals. The concepts covered in this course will help create structure around your time management skills, and will help reveal any weaknesses in your time management habits. Making time management a priority is often the first step to keeping on task and maintaining a schedule.
$79.20 - $94.05

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