Most employers and recruitment businesses use ATS (applicant tracking systems) that have functionality to analyse resumes and assess the applicant’s suitability for the role. This software does the heavy-lifting to sift through hundreds of resumes and filter only the ones that match the job.
The thing is, if your resume isn’t written in a way that appeals to the algorithms inside these ATS tools, it doesn’t matter how good you or your resume are, you simply won’t get seen, never mind contacted about the role.
Even stellar candidates with a great resume can fall foul of the “bots”.
✔️ How ATS work and how recruiters use them
✔️ Some BIG industry myths exposed and why you should ignore some resume scanner tools
✔️ The 5 things you must do to hack the ATS algorithms
✔️The biggest mistake most job seekers make on their resume
✔️ The resume strategies that are getting some senior job seekers a 500% uplift in results